Oo are yer?

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London, England, United Kingdom
Moobian Prince is the alter ego of a British bloke. He is not Moobian and he is not a Prince. He has to be circumspect about his identity so as not to piss off the hand that feeds him! The alias also enables frank and honest views. He truly loves the world we live in but often finds the way we run it to be jaw-droppingly incredulous. He hates injustice and downright stupidity - even, on occasions, his own.

Thursday 5 May 2011

'Av' you decided yet?

I think that the campaign by both sides has been confusing and lack-lustre.

However, when I look at the supporters of the Yes campaign it seems to consist primarily of minor political parties (and Labour who are there to oppose everything anyway) who see an opportunity to get more MPs and Ken Livingstone. Hmmm. Scottish National Party, UKIP and Ken Livingstone? Sounds like a good enough reason to vote NO.

If however, you want to slap the Tories, consider this. They elect their leaders using a similar system to AV. If no outright majority, the person with the fewer votes stands aside and everyone votes again. The last 3 Tory leaders have relied on the 2nd or subsequent vote. They did not get the most votes in the first ballot. If you are a Tory hater, this must prove that it doesn't work, so you should be voting NO.

Personally, I am appalled by little Nicky Clegg and his band who abandon their principles for the sake of personal power. There is an argument that says that at the last election, if AV had been in place we would be governed by Labour with Gordon Brown still as prime minister. The Lib Dems say not. They say that they would have refused to work with Gordon Brown. Yeah, right!

I do not think that either side has proven their case. The only interaction I have had with any campaigner was a lady from the YES campaign who collared me in Twickenham. When I asked her if there was a second choice to today's referendum she was at a loss for words.

On the basis that both camps have made it a contest to see which personalities they can get to support their campaigns rather than bothering to knock my door and explain their preference to me, I will vote on that basis. Nicky - your fired! I am voting NO.